Clash of Clans – Tips to Protect and Gather Gold

We all know how hard it is to gather a good amount of Gold in Clash of Clans because in most of the cases, after a raid we invest it on walls or something that can be upgraded quickly, so we can raid again and gather more gold. However, when you want to upgrade your Town Hall to lvl 8, 9 or even 10, that’s when the real problems begin. Why? Because for a level 8 Town Hall you will need 2 million Gold, for a level 9 – 3 million of Gold and for a lvl 10 – 4 million of gold. Here are a few tips on how to gather a good amount of Gold without being robbed by other players.


The Gold storage will always be your number one priority in order to be able to stock a lot of Gold and Elixir will be your second priority. Most players commit the mistake of making Elixir storage the top priority, which is wrong. Always put your Elixir pumps or Gold mines outside of the protected area. Try to build a lot of walls in order to have 2 rows of Walls between your Gold storages and the attackers. In the same time, always try to upgrade these walls, since they will play a good role on defending your resources.

The Gold storages should be in the middle of the base, since you are trying to save as much gold (to upgrade Town Hall, for example) as possible. You will want to place the Elixir Pumps and Gold mines outside the Walls, but close to them so that the attackers will have to destroy them to get to the walls, and after that, to destroy the walls to get to your Gold storages.

Now, we know that this will sound strange but put your Town Hall outside of your walls also. You will ask us why would you do that, but you will have your answer below.

There are two kinds of players who will attack you: those who raid for Trophies and those who raid for Gold. If you are lucky enough to be attacked by a player who’s raiding for trophies, he will destroy your Town Hall and leave you alone, but in the same time, you will gain a “free” 12 hour shield. With other words, the players will not be able to attack you. During this time, you can gather enough resources to be able to upgrade your Town Hall.


Related ItemsClash of ClansClash of Clans goldClash of Clans moneyClash of Clans TipsClash of Clans Tricks

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