Flappy Bird Cheats & Tricks to Get High Score

Flappy Bird is a mobile game that has been gaining great popularity among the gaming enthusiasts in the recent past. Here are few tips and strategies to get going through the game successfully.

Before starting the game

  1. Accept the fact that no matter how you try your skills on Flappy Bird, you still will never be able to master the game.
  2. Just be calm and clear your thoughts. Always remember the more you work hard the more are the chances of failure, so don’t try hard.
  3. Always remember the screen should be smooth and touch sensitive before the game starts; hence it is best recommended to remove screen covers.
  4. The key to progress in the game lies in moving fingers quickly and tapping lightly with ease. Try to predict the flight movement in advance and avoid tapping screen too hard.
  5. It is preferred to use tablet than phone for playing the game due to screen size.

Tips & Strategies

Avoid the Crash

It has been observed that the game crashes often, making players to lose a level. This can be rectified by closing the game manually and restarting it. If done properly, crashing can be avoided and scores can be stored.

Learn to Aim the Bird

It is all about practice, as the number of jumps the bird makes depends on the amount of taps the player makes on screen, so it doesn’t matter if the bird is falling fast or slow. Learn to improve the aim by keeping in mind the number of bird jumps.

Give a Pause

The game is a definite annoyance, and can break your concentration if you get frustrated, which will harm your score. It is best to give a pause by taking breaks in between when you get frustrated.


The biggest obstacles for gamers are the high and low space in between pipes. Timing up the jumps and avoiding a second jump are the keys to avoid the fall into bottom pipe, because a second jump can restrict you from falling fast to prevent the subsequent top pipe.

Finding a Song

Another trick that can help you in focusing and bouncing the bird straight is by playing a song and making the bird bounce according to its rhythm.

Playing on Android

It is easier to play on android device than IOS, as per the creator, Dong Nguyen. This might change once an update is released.

Play on a Tablet

It is recommended to be played on 7’’ screen as that can give better sense about the distance between pipes. Hence, it is worst to play on iPhones, while feels best on iPads.

Competing with Friends

In order to boost your motivation level, it is best to play with your friends, as it will bring in a desire to get on top score.

Drop Down More

It is best to control the bird to fly higher than going lower, as the bird tends to bounce more depending on the taps on screen and that cannot be stopped in middle. On the other side, in order to control it from falling, the screen can be tapped to make the bird bounce.


It is best to play another game or hack the Flappy Bird, if you fail to get a high score.

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