Watch Dogs Launched In Japan, Becomes Second Best Selling Game

If you were living with an assumption that hacking is a property of the west and people in Asia may not be too obsessed with digital living, you are completely wrong.

The sales records set by Watch Dogs in Japan prove otherwise and it has gone on to become the second best-selling game in the country within hours. Ubisoft proudly declared earlier, that their game has beaten all previous sales records and has already smashed the ones set by their most successful title, Assassin’s Creed 3. It looks like they proclaimed their victory earlier, because, there are still territories where the game is yet to be launched and it has got the potential to keep the cash registers ringing, for a long time to come. The game got officially launched in Japan and surprisingly had a strong opening, even though it faced stiff competition from other Japanese titles. Watch Dogs has sold a total of 94, 623 copies so far, since its launch, combining all platforms together and the title sold the most on the Playstation 4 platform.

Second Best Selling Game in Japan

The Playstation 4 platform witnessed the maximum success because Watch Dogs sold approximately 63, 595 copies so far on the console. The rest, which is approximately 31,028 copies, got sold on the Playstation 3 platform. Despite witnessing very strong competition with other Japanese titles such as Kamen Rider, Battride War 2 and Taiko Drum Master Don and Katsu’s Space Time Great Adventure, the Western hacker inspired title, managed to stay at the top two positions, which is a feat in itself. Surprisingly, the game, Freedom Wars, that took the first position, actually ran on the Playstation Vita platform. It’s awkward to see a powerful current generation console Playstation 4, lose to a small handheld device; but the good news is that, both the consoles are owned by Sony. While the game had strong criticism for being watered down to bad levels, so that it could run on older generation consoles, it managed to win a huge fan base in the console platform. The same didn’t happen to PC gamers who decided to mod the title and come up with the same graphics that was shown during the E3 2012 conference. The end product does look good; but it is not stable and is not advisable to use, according to the statement released by a Ubisoft representative.

Sequel in Progress

Ubisoft has indirectly confirmed that Watch Dogs 2 is definitely coming, given its massive sales. The title won the best game of the month according to NPD reports and has already sold over four million copies, while the publishers expect it to touch six, in its lifetime. It has been reported as the best-selling game in Ubisoft history. The game got launched on multiple platforms including Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC. It is already available globally, on the digital platform, while some new territories are receiving it, according to the scheduled rollout. Players already have a wish list for the upcoming sequel.

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